Where to start learning rails

eoinkelly [9:00 PM] Hi @vbakaitis, these are the things I often recommend to folks getting going with Ruby & Rails

The Well Grounded Rubyist (https://www.manning.com/books/the-well-grounded-rubyist-third-edition). This is a great intro to Ruby - it groks the vibe of the language well IMHO. • The Rails guides are a good way to get going with Rails. I (and I'm guessing many other folk on here) still refer to them pretty regularly. The are a good balance of the right amount of info to get most things done with Rails • The Rails Way (https://leanpub.com/tr5w) is great when you need to go deeper than the guides. It's not much of a narrative tbh but does a good job of contextualising the very large surface area of Rails

HTH Manning Publications The Well-Grounded Rubyist, Third Edition This books provides a thorough, in depth introduction to the Ruby programming language. Leanpub The Rails 5 Way Iconic best-seller The Rails Way returns in a brand new edition, fully updated to the latest and greatest Ruby on Rails: Version 5.1, with every chapter fully revised for usefulness and accuracy. Note that this edition features comprehensive coverage of API Mode, Turbolinks 5 and ActionCable. Purchase Now on Amazon

I should also mention https://www.poodr.com/ - it's not a book you need to get started with Ruby or Rails but it is a great book about software (the examples happen to be in Ruby but will be applicable to any language you use). If you are getting into Ruby it would be a pity not to read it at some point :slightly_smiling_face:

Page created on 6 Jun 2020